Monday, August 29, 2011

A precedent has been set - This one's for Steve Marsh!

This precedent could interest a few people.
A US court has ruled that an organic farm can claim damages for losses caused by GM particulate matter and it's associated herbicides and pesticides.
This links for you, Steve, hope it helps!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Here's the problem

For those people who don't know what all the fuss is about with GM maybe this can help :

"It is now virtually impossible for a U.S. farmer to grow crops of their choosing (corn, soybeans, canola, etc.) and remain GMO-free because of the numerous biological and human means by which seeds can spread." - Grow-Switch site.
Click here to read more

We have the chance to Stop GM in WA now before it pollutes too much and we chould nip it in the bud now before it's too late.We need a complete ban on GM crops and research in Australia. Stop GM - we don't need to follow the US and learn the terrible lesson again!